Thursday, April 7, 2011

My Little Girl(old)

Little girl,I'm right beside you,Im right here
From behind the shadows I listened to your prayers
From now until forever more
I'll hold your hand,of that Im sure

Listen to that voice deep down in your heart
If you listen real hard,it never will part
Look within yourself for the truth that lies
I'll be with you always,even across a thousand miles

Little girl dont worry,I'm always here
No matter how far you are,Im near
Dont listen to anything they say
I promise I'll show you brighter days

They beat you,they hurt you,they tore you apart
They left you aching,alone in the dark
Helpless,abandoned,numb,and in need
From those seeds,hate began to breed

Little girl I'm here dont cry
Wipe your tears it'll be alright
Open your heart and lose all fear
Hold on tight,the end of the road is here

Im here,your guardian angel,I'll keep you warm
I'll stand by your side,be your shelter from the storm
Now you've found solace,you're safe,you walked through that whilte light
No more sorrow,no more pain,good night my little girl,sleep tight.

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