I pick up today's Times Of India and the headlines read-"DAD KILLED AARUSHI:COPS-Wanted to silence a daughter who resented hi extra maritial affair"...i mean wtf???SERIOUSLY!!!i'd been watchin the news on NDTV for 2 days now..trying to make sense of it..i still havent succeeded...i dnt think i will ever understand human pychology...wtf..is this world coming too...u kill ur own kid jus cause she dint "approve" of ur affair...honestly..if dat chuth was in front of my face now i'd have told him to screw himslf...the bastard!!!uugghh...who d hell has a right to take the life of someone else...that too your own daughter..ur only 14 yr old child...damn...hasnt anyone heard of the phrase-"U cannot kill what u did not create"..nd dnt gimme that biological shit!For godsake...wats d point..he thot he'd escape???..did he get rid of his friggin guilt???...gimme a break!!!i've never really cursed any1 but i hope he rots in hell...he hammered her head and slit her throat...that was aftr he killd d manservant....d same thing...hammered head..slit throat...these are the things that make me hate the world...more so hate men...im speechless..not bcause i have nothin to say..but because i have too much...when will this shit stop...wat ever happened to happiness...???gory fkin shit.its not only the anger thans running now..its d pain..d pain of having all these things happening..nd how helpless i feel...im sorry..i really am.
Another case....girl dint die however but suffered a far more worse situation.....last month it ws a poor girl in Venice...kidnapped by her own dad wen she was 18...she was then forced to live in some dimly lit place in the basement of their aptmnts...the dad claimed she joined a cult..and ran away frm home...abt 10 yrs later he bring 3 kids home saying d daughter abandoned them..d 18 yr old kid then got sick...ws on his death bed..thats wen tests were done...and DNA showd up...cops found the girl..the girl ws 48!!!her father raped her and had 6 kids with her!!!6!!!..the othr 3 kids were living with the woman in d basement...wat a fukd up world we live in...hw does ANYONE get any satisfaction by pychotically acting out frm frustration..eew...im jus so pissed off now....my sympathies for evry girl out there who's gone thru similar experiences...i wish i could do anything to make sure those women dint die...but i promise one day i will...i will do my part to help...i swear i will by God and evrything that means anything to me...R.I.P
I wonder what he was thinking when he threw her ashes into the ganga.....Talwar and Fritzl are gonna have a very bad afterlife. horrible.
U said it gurl...fuck im still so pissd...it surrises me hw d world can go down almost all at once..nd dat too lik this...taking d innocent down wid it.
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