Sunday, October 9, 2011

Hello World

I haven't poste anything in ages. Writing became painful for a while. Too many emotions all mixed up. Too much pain to pen down but my hand failed me and sometimes so did my mind. Final exams are on again and so the writing begins..again. As always exam time is a time for me to reflect on things because as it happens to be, I would do almost anything else except study. I do miss writing quite. I see pennings of other people, friends, acquaintances and I do not connect. It all seems so articifial. There is no emotion behind the writing. The reader is forgotten about even if the reader is one's own self. People just tend to go off on a tangent, self indulgent people infatuated with their own words :) (as someone calls it).
Is it really true that anyone can write? Am i anyone? I don't want to be. I want to be gifted. I want to write sense, things that will comfort the soul, things that will give me as escape. How I had missed that warm feeling that one is overcome with when filled with the inspiration to write.
Today, however it wasn't the inspiration that made me write, it was the disgust after reading tons of nonsense written by people who know not of any true feeling that made me mad. So here I write even with that anger, with sadness of a sort against all those people who write to seem intelligent but in fact are not.
Well thats about it for my thought. Till I write again..